Areas of interest:

  • Medical/Personal Injury
  • Land Use/Local Government
  • Criminal Procedure
  • Environmental Regulation
  • Labor


As a birthday present, my s.o. bought me one of those DNA tests that tell you what your dog is.  The perfect gift – too frivolous to justify getting myself but, oh man, was I excited to find out.  Of course, the test takes two to three weeks to process.

Meanwhile, the bar examiners release results weeks and agonizing weeeeeeks after the exam.

Last Friday was momentous.  I found out I have officially been approved to join the Oregon Bar, and I found out that the best dog in the world is an Akita/Collie/Australian Shepard/German Shepard/Shar-Pei(?!) certifiable mutt.

It was a good weekend.

New News

So it’s been over a year since I updated here.  Um. Sorry.  The latest and greatest is that I am back in the small yet super town where I grew up, working in all the areas of law I’m interested in.  Land Use, Local Government, Landlord Tenant. . .the works!  It’s pretty sweet.

I have to take the bar all over again here, which is less awesome.  But in two weeks and one day, that will be over.  Hopefully. (Cross your fingers for me, please.  I really don’t want to do it again.)

Anyway.  My new firm can be found here.  (And yes, I’m working on updating the website.)

And he said it! Finally!

I watched the inauguration yesterday on Youtube.  I loved it.  I even loved Beyonce, who, frankly, ordinarily does nothing for me.  The choir made me cry.  (In a good way.)  After so much contention and struggle, it was absolutely blissful to see a ceremony that hit on nearly every issue I really care about.

We have spent months and years arguing over “political questions” that seem to me to be survival questions, with obvious, necessary answers.   Continue reading “And he said it! Finally!”