Monthly Archives: November 2011

Go not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.

There’s a video clip bopping around Facebook right now – it’s apparently an interview with a former KGB operative, one Yuri Bezmenov, in 1985.  It inspired the following rant. (There.  It’s a rant.  You’ve been warned.)  The video was definitely unearthed and digitized by someone with an agenda, but watching it, I wondered who, exactly, thought it was going to help their cause.


Solar Power for Georgia?!

Once upon a time, when I was an earnest, bright-eyed undergrad in Portland, a professor gave our class a lecture on solar power.  Essentially, it was this fantastic concept, but it couldn’t work where we lived, because we didn’t get enough sun.  Fast forward ten years to a slightly  glassy-eyed law student who found herself paying attention to environmental issues again; this time in Georgia.


Traffic Calming/Walkability Promoting/Neighbor Coordinating Thing! (or – let little Henry push his wagon around the block in peace)

Last month, as I perused my neighborhood’s facebook page, I came across a long thread of comments having to do with traffic in the neighborhood.  Medlock is one of Atlanta’s post-war neighborhoods; winding, sidewalk-less streets and small, ranch-style homes, nestled between three major thoroughfares.  Unfortunately for the neighborhood, a few of those streets provide an easy cut-through to avoid the clogged major arteries that run toward downtown Atlanta and the freeways.