Monthly Archives: February 2011

Oh Friday, Where Art Thou?

I am drinking Arrogant Bastard ale (it felt appropriate today, somehow) at 3 in the afternoon and  waiting for my lunch to magically arrive.  This morning I dreamed a friend showed up in my room at 6 a.m. to show me something neat and I started screaming and throwing things at them.


Practice To Play

I played my very first piano recital and my very first basketball game when I was eight years old.  From these, and subsequent activities, I learned an important thing about myself.  I hate practicing, but I love to play.  This characteristic probably lead to my eventual abandonment of both basketball and piano, though the music and athletic activities I eventually embraced were probably what taught me that you can’t really play well unless you knuckle down and do the prep work.


Where Am I?

I have been doing research on Georgia History for another project.  It’s been. . .interesting.  I find that I have many reactions to my findings that are totally unsuited for the project at hand.  (This is not actually a new experience for me)  Here are some random factoids that I feel should be shared, that were either not interesting enough, or just not good marketing: