Oh Friday, Where Art Thou?

I am drinking Arrogant Bastard ale (it felt appropriate today, somehow) at 3 in the afternoon and  waiting for my lunch to magically arrive.  This morning I dreamed a friend showed up in my room at 6 a.m. to show me something neat and I started screaming and throwing things at them.

Last Friday I was emailed a memo assignment on a topic I have less than no familiarity with from an attorney at the office.  Mistake # 1 – I didn’t ask when the attorney wanted it back.  Weekends are devoted to class work, particularly Advanced Evidence, so my office time really does have to be office time.  Consequently, I started working on the Memo . . .

Monday morning at the office.  At noon, I went down to school and skipped a class in order to make time to meet with my research advisor.  At that meeting, I found out that said research was due by Thursday.

Tuesday morning, the attorney wanted the memo.  Utilizing the panicky adrenaline rush thus instigated, by late afternoon I turned in a memo, with great relief, and started cranking out the research project.  I missed to classes on Tuesday, but managed to make it Advanced Evidence. . .where I lost.   Abysmally.

Wednesday at the very end of my office time, I got the memo back with a list of problems and was essentially asked to write a new, much more specific memo.   This time, I made sure to ask when he wanted it.  He said, “Monday”.  Awesome.  I started working, mentally shifting time around so I could spend some quality time bluebooking and researching on the weekend.  I went to class on Wednesday, though I spent much of it researching for the professor project.

Thursday morning at the office I worked on the new memo.  By Thursday night, I had  professor research ready to turn in.

Friday morning I received an email from the attorney requesting the memo. Now This Morning.  (not, you will notice, the previously mentioned Monday.)  Since – in the three hours I’d had to look – I hadn’t found a damn thing on the issue as I understood it,  much less written it up and bluebooked it, “this morning” became “this afternoon”.  And, I’m not at all sure that memo should ever have seen the light of day, let alone the eyes of an attorney I’d like to impress.

Which is why it is 3:00 p.m. and I am just now eating my lunch.

Dear Readers, I am putting this blog under the “Life Lessons” section.  Not because I have derived any wisdom or benefit (unless you count stress) from this week, but in hopes that you will.  Then it won’t have been a complete disaster.